You may have noticed the addition of a new badge to the sidebar of the site. Down there it sits, positively beaming its ‘Google Street View Trusted’ status to all who wish to look at it. But what’s that all about then?
Simply put it means we have been through the accreditation process with Google to be recommended 360 photography professionals and get listed on the Street View professionals directory. The process requires you to upload over 50 360 images to the platform that must meet the eligibility criteria in terms of quality, stitching accuracy and resolution. To us it’s nice to be recognised and have something to show for the hard work we’ve put in getting this stuff right; for clients, it’s a bit of peace-of-mind that we are an agency that can be trusted and that actually know what they are talking about!
Street View is a great platform and has revolutionised the way you find out about a location; I’m old enough to remember scribbling lists of directions down to go somewhere new (which would always have one key bit of info missing…maybe that was just me though) so having the ability to actually go to the street level and scope somewhere out before you get there is amazing. Giving that functionality to businesses is an amazing way to drive engagement and that’s one of the reasons we’re so excited about 360 and VR.