A Drop in The Ocean

One of the things I really enjoy in CG work is making textures, it’s really satisfying to go through the whole process of creating one from scratch and then getting a render that looks great because of it. Since I make quite a few of these on each project I work on I thought it might be cool to get a bit extra out of them by putting a few up for sale.

I had a look round at the various places that offered such things (as I really didn’t want to add a ‘store’ to this site) and eventually decided on the one I liked the best.  3D Ocean is an arm of Envato (who I first found through their excellent Tuts+ sites) which deals specifically in, you guessed it, assets for 3D work. I have purchased a few things from them in the past, most notably Peter Guthrie’s excellent HDRI skydomes, and they have a consistent high quality with all of the stuff they offer. So one quick questionnaire later and I was an accepted author on the site.

Typically though, when it came to ‘just’ packaging up some of those textures I’d already made, I looked at them again and decided that I wanted to improve them that little bit more. So the idea of doing this ‘quickly’ soon faded, but I have put together a few nice textures now even if I do say so myself! At the moment there are a grand total of 4 (count em) textures on there with a load more I’m working on in between projects; they are:

Old Stone Wall
Short Dry Grass
Yew Tree Bark
Small Bathroom Tiles

So if you’re in the market for any one of those 4 very specific textures you know where to look!